When our rapid response team is generating and ranking selling opportunities, your sales professionals spend more selling time with customers and high value prospects. This gives you another competitive advantage.
Your people will spend less time engaged in non-productive non-selling activities like prospecting, cleaning up databases and following up low probability prospects.
While you make tremendous investments of time, energy and resources in planning and executing marketing and sales events, there is little time left for action afterwards. We take this well known but unspoken reality and turn it into an advantage for you by developing and implementing action plans that:
Those who attend or respond to your event are more likely to be looking to make a purchase in the near future than you will find through other forums.
Decision makers have invested their time responding to you. What impression are you making by not following up? Start having us follow up for you.
While event leads and inquiries are valuable as a whole, your staff recognizes that any individual lead is unlikely to produce results. By relieving your team of time consuming follow up, they are able to quickly respond to serious inquiries and identify true leads.